Education for a Healthier and Sustainable
Agriculture Development
About Us
NANURA Agriculture was developed in 2014 as a rural agriculture development project to help improve sustainable agriculture focused on several countries of South Asia and Eastern Africa. It aims on reaching communities in remote or underdeveloped areas where either ongoing farming that can be further improved or communities with potentiality to start agriculture projects with proper guidance and support. Its founders Anura Perea, Jemegwa Malabe and Dona Nalaka Daundaratne have a mission to improve life of these communities in the world to improve their lives and ensure food security. During their careers as agriculture educators, they realized that there is a significant vacuum of knowledge that prevents our people in the world to understand the power of healthier farming. Also, modifiable variables as lack of motivation, limited resources or poor resource management skill significantly affect in these communities. Understanding these significant needs and respective outcomes, NANURA Agriculture developed a series of projects like as ‘Women Entrepreneur Initiative’, ‘Let’s Share Project’ and ‘Tunawesa(We can). All these projects integrate farming knowledge, motivation development, business development and marking. These in-community projects have shown significant success and progressive involvement of Agriculture student volunteers and many other from their own locality in working towards developing a better future.
NANURA Online Platform is intended to expand the mission globally by offering a digital ground to harvest knowledge about sustainable farming in a simpler and motivating tone. Further, the founders Nalaka Daundaratne, Jamegwa Malabe and Anura Perera intend to build a global community of agriculture educators who are willing to spend few moments to help their own communities by following our project guidelines. NANURA is completely a charity and social work program built with only good will. Thank you for visiting us and all the best with your prosperous farming venture!
Dona Nalaka Daundaratne. BSc, MAg
Jemegwa Malàbe MAg
Anura Kavinga Perera BBA
News Feed

Sustainable Farming
What is ‘sustainable farming’? Since ages, the stability of life on earth, in connection to our impact over it, is determined by the quality of maintained balance between us and nature, and the corresponding environmental responses. Basically, our deeds decide the fate of our lives, state at present, safety of future, and consequential health of Mother-nature and vice-versa. In relation, sustainable agriculture is following sound and eco-friendly farming practices as a continuum in a productive and a beneficial manner for self, communities, and health of ecosystems. Importantly, resulting outcomes should not incur harm or negatively impact on both current and future generations regarding wellbeing, continuity, and safety of life. By Dona Nalaka Daundaratne

Cattle Farming Fundamentals
With proper knowledge, planning, and healthy practices, raising cattle alone or preferably with variety of animals can be highly productive, profitable, and beneficial in numerous ways. For example, they provide milk, beef, butter, cheese, leather, fertilizers, helps to plow to prepare ground for cultivation

Community Projects
Certainly, women had been the backbone of almost every aspect of life although they had been unrecognized for ages of their capabilities and power to build and change world.